Thursday, March 25, 2010


Part III unit 3


1. Perspicacity- (pur’ spe kas’e te) mental penetration, discernment
2. Predilection- preconceived preference or partiality
3. Prerogative- privilege, right
4. Propensity- natural tendency, bent
5. Propriety- conforming to accepted standards of behavior, rightness or suitability
6. Prostration- a falling down in worship, exhaustion
7. Restitution- restoration, reparation
8. Sagacity- shrewdness, sound judgment
9. Surfeit- excess, disgust from excess
10. Vicissitude- irregular change, ups and downs

11. Lambent-softly radiant, playing lightly over a surface or subject
12. Latent- hidden or unrevealed, potential
13. Marital- of or relating to marriage
14. Partisan- one sided; partial to a party or cause; supporter of an idea or person
15. Recumbent- reclining or leaning, inactive
16. Salient- prominent, conspicuous, outward projecting angle
17. Seditious- inciting discontent or rebellion
18. Succinct- terse, concise
19. Tangible- real, substantial, palpable
20. Tentative- provisional, experimental

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