Thursday, January 7, 2010

Socratic seminar reflection- process

Sorry I surprised you with the whole group seminar, but I didn't want you to get all worried ahead of time. I read your immediate reactions after class, now I want you to reflect on the process and compare it to our past seminars. What did you like? What could we improve?


  1. I like the whole group seminar more because it is easier for people to respond to a response, rather than waiting to switch seats with someone. We could improve on letting other people speak who haven't spoken, but overall I thought it went well.

  2. I really liked the inner circle outer circle method of past seminars. It was easier to get your point out sometimes. However, if a person didn't say much during the inner circle method, it may have been easier to just say your idea rather than have to get up and hope someone lets you in. I think the 4 person between points rule helped, though it was not always followed.

  3. I think it was a bit better but there is still room for improvement. I think the reason that some people didn't get the chance to talk is because they were not assertive enough. But i think it was better than the inner circle thing.

  4. Althought previously I prefered the inner/outer circle method, I thought that today's socratic seminar was much easier to work with. I think it was easier for people to get their ideas out without feeling rushed or becoming distracted, and I also think talking to the entire group rather then just to five people is easier as well. I thought it went very well.

  5. I personally like this method of Socratic Seminars better than the other because it allows for their to be a real discussion of the book rather than a choppy exchanging of ideas. I did not like the rule that you have to wait 4 turns before you are allowed to speak again. I think people should be trusted and we should not have to make these stupid rules.

  6. I liked today's seminar a lot better than some of the ones we have had in the past. With no one getting up and moving around, I found I could concentrate better on what people were saying. It was also easier to say what you wanted to say before the topic of conversation changed.

  7. This seminar felt like more of a discussion than the inner/outer circle mostly because it was less choppy and the new rule really helped others give their opinions.

  8. I think this seminar was our best yet, I think that a lot more people were able to have a chance to say their thoughts than in our past ones. People also weren't cut off from their ideas like in the inner circle one because there wasn't somebody behind them to make them leave early.

  9. Everyone got a chance to talk which was really good. I think the seminar was dominated by only one or two people though which kind of took away from everyone else's perspective because not everyone got to talk more than once or twice. Still, I think this seminar was pretty good for a full class one.

  10. I agree with Laura in that the discussion went more smoothly than the inner/outer circle method. Also, it was easier to respond to the topics being discussed, rather than having to wait for a seat while the topic could have already changed. The “four person” rule definitely helped allow everyone to contribute.

  11. I think that this seminar was much more successful than the last whole class one because more people got a chance to share their ideas. Although the new rule seemed to help, I still think that a few people dominated the conversion at times.

  12. I think this one was a lot more successful than the first whole circle one. However, I still think that the inner and outer is better for the people who have trouble speaking out. I think everyone is feeling more comforatble talking too.

  13. I am not sure if it was just because of the subject matter, but this socratic seminar was far more successful that any other seminar we have had so far. I think that the "let four people talk before you speak again" rule helped so the conversation was not dominated by a one or two people.

  14. Personally, I really enjoyed this seminar more then our previous discussions. I thought the conversation went fluently and everyone had a chance to speak. When we use the inner and outer method for the seminars, there can be a lot of distracting movements and too many people walking around. In my case, I seem to focus more on getting in the inner circle then the actual conversation.

  15. The Into the Wild socratic seminar ran more smoothly than others, mostly b/c of the 4-person rule and partly b/c we returned to the whole circle format. Still, the inner-outer seminars may have been more confortable for certain people who would not be able to talk during whole circle seminars. Instead of addressing the class, you only had to address 6 plp. If we do use whole circle again, which I personally have nothing against, we should definetly keep the 4-person rule. Also, having ques/topics to prep for on the blog may help us focus our ideas into what's imp and what's not.

  16. I much preferred this type of seminar to the inner outer circle type. You could remember your ideas and not have to wait for people to move before you could say them. But like Rj, I think that the 4 people talking rule is a good one, because then you do not get to argue your point if someone disagrees.

  17. It was much easier to talk in this seminar than the first one we did. I liked it, but I think that in the inner/outer circle is still easier to talk. However, I think that we did a very good job being courteous and letting people talk. The four-person idea was a very good addition.

  18. I also didn't like the four people rule, but it did stop the same few people from talking over and over again, which I did like. There was a lot less pressure without the inner circle... you didn't feel as though you had to rush through what you were saying because someone was standing over you. It was also much more civil than the first time that we had a large circle one; I think each time we've done it it has improved, even if just a little bit.
