Thursday, April 29, 2010

vocab unit 6

Word Wealth
Part III unit 6

1. Adumbrate- to outline in a vague way; to foreshadow
2. Aggravate- to make worse or more severe
3. Annihilate- destroy utterly
4. Capitulate- surrender on certain terms
5. Extenuate- make less serious, diminish
6. Fulminate- to explode, erupt, shout violently
7. Instigate- provoke, incite
8. Mitigate- lessen or make milder
9. Procrastinate- to delay, put off
10. Propitiate- appease, conciliate

11. Auspicious- promising, favorable
12. Egregious- remarkably bad, flagrant
13. Equivocal- vague, ambiguous, questionable
14. Expedient- suitable, advantageous but not necessarily right
15. Fortuitous- occurring by chance or accident
16. Intrinsic- actual, essential or inherent
17. Mystical- participating in mysterious spiritual experience or knowledge
18. Sacrilegious- irreverent, blasphemous
19. Salubrious- healthful, promoting health
20. Synthetic- artificial, manufactured

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

online text

Hi folks,
I know a few of you have books in really rough shape. Here is a link to the full text of the play.
Have fun!
M. Ware

Julius Caeser Act I Reading Questions

Remeber, these are completely optional, and serve to help you better understand what's happening.

Scene 1:
1. What is the setting?
2. What holiday is being celebrated?
3. Who are Marullus and Flavius?

Scene 2:
1. What does Caesar tell Antony to do to Calpurnia?
2. Why might Caesar ask Antony in front of everyone else?
3. What is a soothsayer? Of what does he warn Caesar?
4. What does ides mean?5. Does Marcus Brutus like Caesar? What does Brutus think of Caesar’s rise to power? Use lines from play to support your answer.
6. How many times was Caesar offered a coronet, or a small crown?
7. What sickness does Caesar have?

Scene 3:
1. What unusual events occur during the storm?
2. What meaning does Cassius interpret from the storm?
3. According to Casca, what are the senators planning to do to Caesar tomorrow?
4. Who is definitely part of the conspiracy?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Vocab unit 5

Part III unit 5


1. Aggressive- assertive, vigorously active, quick to attack
2. Arrogant- haughty, overbearingly proud
3. Captious- fault finding, hard to please
4. Cynical- scornfully distraught
5. Dogmatic- unduly positive, dictatorial, pertaining to an established doctrine
6. Fastidious- daintily refined, very discriminating
7. Fatuous- complacently stupid or silly
8. Garrulous- talkative
9. Gregarious- sociable, inclined to go in groups
10. Impetuous- rushing with great force; impulsive, rash, hastily
11. Ingenuous- frank, genuine, free from reserve
12. Nostalgic- homesick, longing for the past
13. Ostentatious- fond of display, pretentious
14. Sinuous- curving or winding, devious
15. Taciturn- habitually silent, uncommunicative
16. Truculent- fierce, savage, cruel
17. Unctuous- excessively suave or bland, oily
18. Valid- sound, effective, well founded
19. Versatile- many sided in abilities
20. Volatile- changeable, spirited, explosive